Asbestos Abatement Regulations


The new Asbestos Abatement Regulations came into operation in 2020.
Every employer or self-employed person, employing workers that may be exposed to asbestos containing materials, must have their workplace inspected by a competent asbestos inspector before 31 May 2022. The regulations do not apply to premises constructed after March 2011.

Prior to 2008, asbestos was regularly used in the manufacture of building materials used to construct offices, factories and warehouses. Asbestos was used in:

  • roof sheets, roof tiles, gutters and downpipes;

  • ceiling boards and insulation;

  • walls, wall coverings and fireproofing;

  • floor tiles and  underlay;

  • water tanks, pipes and cisterns;

  • brake pads, rubber seals, adhesives, paints and many other products.

Any damage or deterioration to the asbestos materials could expose you and your workers to hazardous asbestos dust. Asbestos is a carcinogenic and exposure thereto can cause serious diseases, including asbestosis, mesothelioma, cancers and, eventually, death. It can take from a few years up to 40 years for a person to show symptoms, by which time it is normally too late to treat effectively.  The recent death of former president De Klerk is attributed to mesothelioma, a malignant asbestos related disease.

Our competent inspectors will complete a thorough inspection of the workplace and provide the employer with:

  • an inventory of asbestos in place;

  • a risk and exposure assessment;

  • an asbestos management plan;

  • a work plan to remediate or remove the asbestos;

  • information regarding the employer’s legal obligations.


Failure to comply with the regulations is not an option. You and your workers can contract serious asbestos related diseases, such as mesothelioma, asbestosis, cancers and death. As a business owner/employer you can be held liable for damages and/or loss of income of affected workers and be prosecuted, leading to fines and/or imprisonment. Building owners may be held liable for the costs of having the leased premises inspected and the cost to repair or remove the asbestos in place.

Contact us

Sanki Tshabangu:
Nicolle de Bruyn:
Ann Oosthuizen:

Tel: 011 675 3462

Postal Address: PO Box 31061 |Totiusdal | 0134