Waste management licenses, permits, authorisations and registration on the national South African Waste Information System (and provincial and municipal waste information systems where applicable) are required for:
Waste Management Activities
Re-use, recycling and recovery
Waste Management Operators
Waste collectors
Waste transporters
Waste recyclers
Waste processors
All those trading in waste
Download guideline on Licensing of Waste Management Activities for information on Waste Management Licenses, Authorisations, Registrations, Accreditations and Permits related to general waste and hazardous waste (including health care risk waste).
Based on the size, the volume of waste and the nature of the waste handled, the Environmental Impact Assessment Regulations, 2014 determine that in order to obtain a waste management license CATEGORY A activities require a Basic Assessment Process and CATEGORY B activities require a Scoping and Environmental Impact Reporting Process. Refer to the List of waste management activities that have, or are likely to have, a detrimental effect on the environment for CATEGORY A AND CATEGORY B activities.
The Basic Assessment is required for smaller scale activities that are less likely to have serious environmental impacts, and identifies:
possible environmental impacts of the activity
possible ways to manage or limit these impacts
whether there are any issues or impacts that require further investigation.
The Scoping and Environmental Impact Assessment is a very costly and complex investigation required for activities that could cause higher levels of pollution, waste and environmental damage. The process identifies possible impacts on the biological, social, economic and cultural aspects of the environment
Anyone applying for a waste management license is required to appoint an independent Environmental Assessment Practitioner, at own cost, to manage the process, as well as specialists if necessary. Contact the Environmental Assessment Practitioners Association of South Africa (EAPASA) for more information.
Anyone involved in the following activities is required to register on the South African Waste Information System (SAWIS)
Refer to:
Download the guideline Licensing of Waste Management Activities for information on Waste Information System (WIS) registration requirements. Check with the relevant provincial department and municipality to find out whether there is a provincial or municipal Waste Information System. (Refer to Provincial Departments Responsible for Environmental Affairs: contact details)
Sanki Tshabangu: info@iwmsa.co.za
Nicolle de Bruyn: iwmsa@iwmsa.co.za
Ann Oosthuizen: ann@iwmsa.co.za
Tel: 011 675 3462
Postal Address: PO Box 411727 | Craighall | 2024